The best therapy service

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Qualified therapists ready to help
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Access affordable anxiety treatment, with or without insurance
Mental health care is made affordable with Talkspace. We partner with health plans, employee assistance programs (EAP), and educational organizations to remove the cost barrier to anxiety treatment online.

Your copay could be as low as

Average copay per session for covered members is

You deserve to be happy

Couples Therapy
Support and guidance for couples to strengthen their relationship, improve communication, and resolve conflicts. Our therapy sessions offer a safe space.

Individual Therapy
Support and guidance for couples to strengthen their relationship, improve communication, and resolve conflicts. Our therapy sessions offer a safe space.

Support and guidance for couples to strengthen their relationship, improve communication, and resolve conflicts. Our therapy sessions offer a safe space.

Parent & Child Therapy
Support and guidance for couples to strengthen their relationship, improve communication, and resolve conflicts. Our therapy sessions offer a safe space.

How does it works?

Sign up for therapy, medication, or both

Choose your therapist

Book + manage sessions online

Real Stories. Real Results.

Take the first step toward transformation

Professional and qualified therapists who you can trust
Tap into the world's largest network of qualified and experienced therapists who can help you with a range of issues including depression, anxiety, relationships, trauma, grief, and more. With our therapists, you get the same professionalism and quality you would expect from an in-office therapist, but with the ability to communicate when and how you want.

Private Therapy Clinic vs Traditional Therapy
A therapist licensed in your state
A therapist licensed in your state
A therapist licensed in your state
A therapist licensed in your state
A therapist licensed in your state
A therapist licensed in your state
Start your journey to Success Contact Us Today!

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Find trust-worthy answers on all things mental health
Aux 10 à 12 ans. Avec les années, la rouille causée par l’eau endommage le contenant de métal. Soyez aux aguets : l’apparition des premiers signes de rouille, d'humidité au toucher du réservoir et le changement de coloration de l'eau chaude (rougeâtre) sont autant de signes avant-coureurs que la durée de vie de votre chauffe-eau arrive à échéance.
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High-quality care backed by evidence